The JavaScript Event Loop

March 22, 2019

A wild JavaScript code snippet appears!

const log = (output) => { console.log(`--${output}--`); };


setTimeout(function fifth() { log("fifth"); }, 500);
setTimeout(function third() { log("third"); }, 0);
setTimeout(function fourth() { log("fourth"); }, 0);


For a boss-fight JavaScript code snippet that has more use cases, please check out this gist

Spoiler Alert / TL;DR

I have the order of execution given out as first through fifth for clarity and to make it so readers can skim this and be on their way when they need a reference.

Slightly More TL;DR

JavaScript will run a function until completion (ignoring iterators), so there is no JS-level function interleaving. This means that you will not run into the same race conditions you may hit in C, C++, or other languages with threading. The JS engine under the hood is indeed using threads and waiting for asynchronous actions concurrently; however, JS-level code will run top-down sequentially in the current stack frame.

Order Matters

JavaScript, as mentioned in previous blog posts (and above in the second TL;DR section), executes from top to bottom. That means that in our above snippet, every line is going to get executed before any other JavaScript in the same process is executed.

We’re All JavaScript Runtimes

So on line 1, we define a function that we assign to the variable log that adds some extra formatting to a standard console.log call. Great! Now we can use that throughout our code.

So we proceed to line 3, which invokes this new function and passes along the string first to be output to the console. Because both log and console.log are synchronous functions, meaning they do not escape the event loop, this code will first evaluate log, enter the function, evaluate console.log which is native code, and then return undefined from both function because we do not specify a return value.

The JS runtime does not move onto anything else during this time, it only evaluates this code. After it returns it is free to move on to line 5:

setTimeout(function fifth() { log("fifth"); }, 500);

This is where things start to break down the 4th wall and start reaching into asynchronous territory. setTimeout is a magical function (no, not really) that sets a timer with the JS runtime. The JS runtime effectively sets an eggtimer for 500 milliseconds, puts it down on a counter, and then returns back to the calling function. Unlike my log function, setTimeout actually does have a return value - an identifier of the timer it just set. It’s outside of the scope of this demo, but if you wanted to cancel your timer, you could run clearTimeout(idOfTimeout), and the callback you passed would never be executed. But I digress.

Anyway, now we’ve returned from the first setTimeout and proceed to the next. It is largely the same as the last call, except for one notable difference:

setTimeout(function third() { log("third"); }, 0);

The timeout is set to 0. What does your gut tell you will happen here? The timeout is set to 0 milliseconds, so hypothetically that could mean run right now. However, that is not the case. setTimeout sets a timer in the background, and those timers cannot be executed until the current block of JavaScript code has completed execution. So, the same metaphorical eggtimer gets set, with a time of 0. So even if the timer goes off by the time we return from this timeout, our friendly runtime can’t do anything about it because we are blocking the runloop with our pesky code. Well let’s carry on then.

The next line is the same as the one before, I just wanted to make a point of it to show that these messages get stacked up on a queue and will get executed in the order they’re dropped into the timer. So in this situation, these functions will be run in their respective numerical order. Perfect.

Finally we run into our last line:


This call says second, but is the last line of the file. And it is even correct! When this program runs, it will be the second line of code to write text to the console because it is synchronous, like the first call to log. So it’s going to execute, write code to your console, return, and then this block of JavaScript has completed execution!

The console output at this point will look like this:


If this was run with NodeJS, and there were no timers or other event listeners configured, your program would now exit because its work is done.

However, we setup three different timers, so its work is not yet complete. Since there was a 0 millisecond delay (remembering from previous posts that in JavaScript this means at least 0, not exactly 0) from our second and third setTimeout calls, our runtime can finally put those eggtimers away and will run the functions we passed into those setTimeout calls. Our output will now look like this:


Our runtime is just going to hang out for a bit, waiting for something else to happen. In this sitation, there is nothing else waiting to run except for tour timer. So after a grueling 500 milliseconds (at least 500 from when it was set, our final timer will go off, and the callback passed in will execute, leaving us with the final console output:


At this point, the runtime’s work is done and as it bids you adieu the program will exit.

The More You Know

This is the basic formula for how asynchronous actions in the event loop functions. Network calls, file operations, event callbacks, etc. all behave similarly. They have functions implemented at the native level that allow access to a three underlying runtime’s thread pool and can dispatch actions outside of the main JS thread. When they call back, the JS runtime receives an event, and at the next tick, or iteration of the event loop, those events will have a chance to execute. I’ve included a link below to how NodeJS’s event loop runs, which covers the various phases it includes. Browser runtimes function similarly but may have different phases or timings.

Resources and Citations

There are many excellent resources for deep explanations of event loops. These two are my favorite: